Clarisse adorou visitá-los na escola West Point. Ela nos contou tudo sobre a escola e nos mostrou fotos muito legais. Nós também gostamos muito de ver todos os panfletos sobre Kentucky que vocês nos mandaram. Muito obrigado! Foi ótimo conhecer tantos lugares interessantes que vocês tem: o parque Six Flags, as Cavernas dos Diamantes, o Mundo dos Dinossauros, tantas cavernas e fazendas de cavalos, o Derby, o espetáculo de fogos em Louisville (Clarisse nos mostrou o vídeo) e tantas outras coisas.
Ficamos felizes de ver todos vocês na foto com o Lobinho e o Chocolate. Aliás, nós estamos aproveitando bastante a visita do Chocolate e vamos contar um pouco mais daqui a pouco ...
Seus amigos do 1 ano do Colégio Teresiano
Dear friends,
Clarisse enjoyed so much visiting you at West Point. She told us all about the school and showed really nice pictures. We also loved to see all the brochures about Kentucky that you sent. Thank you! It was great to see how many interesting places you have: Six Flags, the Diamond caverns, the Dinosaur World, all the caves and horse farms, the Zoo, Wildlife Museum, the Derby, Thunder over Louisville (Clarisse showed us the fireworks movie clip) and many other things.
We are happy to see you all in this picture with Little Wolf and Chocolate. By the way we are having a good time with Chocolate and will tell you more soon ...
Your 1st grade friends from Teresiano School
We posted a good-bye note on our site. We wish all of you a great summer. June 3rd is our last day. We hope that you enjoyed Chocolate as much as we have enjoyed Wolf. Sorry about Wolf's appearance, when you guys see him again. He never recovered from his accident he had with one of the students, but he is a great trooper and still had a wonderful time traveling with all of us in first grade even if his appearance was not his best.
ResponderExcluirTake Care,
We hope to see all of you again next year!
Your: Kentucky Friends